Potters Hill/The Tiers Roading Development Queenstown
Base Job Number: Q1402-1410 Client Ref: 9074-2014-A/B
Contract Description
Over 18 months Base have worked with the developer (building high end apartments) and clients (siteworks to allow buildings) to transition a very steep & challenging site into high value urban house sites.
Extensive earthworks, roading, reticulated & utility services for 17 lot multi unit apartments on steep rocky site.
600m – 300mm PE water line
Drainage works on S.H. 6A & thrust bores under
Base staff
Mike Stephenson, Murray Forward, Jeremy Heath, Michael Stroud
Subcontractors used
Fulton Hogan – kerbing, pavement construction, asphalt surfacing, concrete works & footpaths
Central Drainlaying
Suppliers used
Fulton Hogan Quarries
Dennison Stone
Health & Safety
No issues or concerns in projects
Further Notes
Base Contracting & Fulton Hogan bid together initially for the first stage of the development. Rates were then Negotiated again with the clients to continue to construct stage 2 and potentially stage 3 (2016)