The Views Subdivision
Client: SouthRoads
Base contracted by SouthRoads undertook the initial earthworks and the reticulated service work for the subdivision. Base completed the cut and fill of the playground at the bottom of the subdivision, a major project which required huge amount of material and machinery.
Extensive earthworks were required to cut in the main road to the subdivision and the other roads around the area. Drilling and blasting was required in areas of hard rock.
• Subdivision • Drainage • Earthworks

Potters Hill and The Tiers
Client: Alpha Properties / Albatross QT Ltd
Base have been working with the landowner and the building developer for over 4 years in transforming the steep undulating site into a terraced 17 lot subdivision above Battery Hill, Frankton Road. Suitable for high quality apartment construction. The site itself and its geology made it challenging for earthworks and the protection for those below.