Potters Hill/The Tiers Subdivision Development Queenstown
Client: Fulton Hogan (for Queenstown Lakes District Council) Base Job Number: Q1402-1410 Client Ref: 9074-2014-A/

Contract Description
Base have been working with the landowner and the building developer for over 4 years in transforming the steep undulating site into a terraced 17 lot subdivision above Battery Hill, Frankton Road. Suitable for high quality apartment construction.
The site itself and its geology made it challenging for earthworks and the protection for those below.
Much of the subdivision development & infrastructure construction was concurrent with apartments being built which created access and safety challenges with many trades & subcontractors also working within the site.
The project has had three phases with the initial being mainly earthworks for the construction of a new site access road.
Extensive earthworks, roading, reticulated & utility services for 17 lot multi unit apartments on steep rocky site
600m – 300mm PE water line, drainage works on S.H. 6A & thrust bores under
Base staff
Mike Stephenson, Murray Forward, Jeremy Heath, Michael Stroud
Subcontractors used
Fulton Hogan – kerbing, pavement construction, asphalt surfacing, concrete works & footpaths
Central Drainlaying
Suppliers used
Fulton Hogan Quarries
Dennison Stone
Health & Safety
No Base incidents – intensive vehicle plant & machinery interaction, and rock fall potential